Ikaruga Mod Request Thread


VIP Member
Joined:Apr 9, 2022
Reaction score:8,648
Hello everyone

I create this thread to discover what are the game you may want a mod for. I could just go thru all the game list and try to mod it, but it's not the way i want it. I want my mod to be used

Rules are simple :
  1. The game must not have a mod yet (use the game mod thread to make a request)
  2. The game must be avalaible here
  3. You need to ask for a precise thing (not like "make game better")
Ill try to answer your need, or tell you how to not need it anymore

Try to structurate your request, explain why the game need a mod, what are the gain etc...

If you think you can mod the request, just tell it, too


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